We've moved to a new Formation House which sits on the corner of a T-junction. There is a store attached to the house. Every day our scholars gather at the store. There's tutorials, singing and even ballroom dancing. Our store doesn't sell anything but we rent books out. We look like we have very good business and some neighbours wonder what is it we are really selling. Kids? haha
Our scholarship program has grown. Just in Erap alone, we have 15 scholars. When we gather all of them, including their siblings, there are more than 30 kids and teens. So there's always enough people to play Captain's Ball. There's always enough people to sing making us look like a choir. And the spontaneous ballroom dancing make us look like we train these kids to dance. We need to rent at least 2 jeepneys if we head to the parish in town for Mass. I understand why the neighbours' kids hang around too. They see a strong sense of unity, belonging and purpose. They too want to be part of something like this. With the store alive, who wants to hang out on the street or spend hours at the computer shop? Here our kids learn to accept everyone as they are. They learn the meaning of sevant-leadership and they learn to care for one another.
Coming to the formation house this time, I feel that the season has changed. The kids have bloomed. They are growing taller, they are leading confidently and loudly in prayer. They go on service trips and reach out to the elderly too. Most importantly they've got each other's backs. The older ones always look out for the younger ones. And the younger ones look out for the youngest.
As I look at them from my corner seat in the store, I too want to belong. I too want to be a kid growing up in Erap and be one of them. Just being with them for the last 7 days, I truly felt the love of God and I am so proud of each one of them.
acts 29 - A Call to Serve. 29 to continue on the work of the apostles is alive in their hearts.
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Sunday, 22 April 2012
Youth Speaks by Joannie Malaras
Joannie at 10 years old
Joannie with her siblings
Joannie sharing with teens in Singapore
Posted by
Acts 29
2:08 am
Dear friends,
We would like to make an appeal to you.
Give children and their families the opportunity to break free from the vicious cycle of poverty. Through our Scholarship Program, kids go to school and are given a chance at beaing poverty.
On top of that, we also teach their parents to read and write.
Visit our sponsor-a-child page http://www.acts29mission.com/?page_id=122
or look the the children's profiles http://www.acts29mission.com/?page_id=219
We have 30 kids in need of sponsorship. All their profiles will be put up over the week.
As their enrolment for schooll begins this May, pls
It costs USD330 or SGD420 or PHP9,000 to sponsor a child for one year.
Please email us at sponsor@acts29mission.com
Posted by
Acts 29
1:59 am
Thursday, 12 April 2012
Posted by
Acts 29
2:53 pm
Monday, 9 April 2012
“Dear brothers and sisters! If Jesus is risen, then – and only then – has something truly new happened, something that changes the state of humanity and the world. Then he, Jesus, is someone in whom we can put absolute trust; we can put our trust not only in his message but in Jesus himself, for the Risen One does not belong to the past, but is present today, alive.”- His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
Posted by
Acts 29
8:32 am
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
I'm posting this up because I'm sick of the biasness and unprofessional standards of the Philippines Immigration Officers.
This evening 21 year old Joannie was supposed to board a Cebu Pacific flight and head to Singapore for 3 weeks. She was supposed to share about her life with CHIJ students, youths from Church of St Ignatius and also to thank all our sponsors at our Easter Thank You Tea this Sunday. She also brought along her books because she wanted to get the help she needed in English and Maths so that when she started Year 4 High School, she would be ready.
However, she was not allowed on board the flight as the Philippines immigration officers refused to allow her on. She had a return ticket, money for the trip, address where she would stay, Singaporean contacts. This is not the first time we've hosted guests from the Philippines.
She was accused of having alternative motives, to want to run off to Singapore and not return.
Someone on scholarship, an excellent student in Year 3 high school. Someone who wants to help her community and has dreams of going to college and getting her degree.
Yup, the officers were biased. They looked at her, judged her and sent her home.
So this is just a shout out about how bias people can be, especially immigration officers from the Philippines. We've come in and out of the country so often that we've met officers that just are not up to par. Never mind when they helped themselves to one of our cell phones. Never mind they are rude to their own OFWs returning. Never mind, they play catching and pull each other's hair and joke around while on duty. Yes, there are people who would want to stay on in Singapore illegally or to seek work. But not all Filipinos are like that.
So because they were not quite impressed with her background, the immigration officers felt she was not good enough to board the flight. Sad. very sad.
Posted by
Acts 29
9:00 pm
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Welcoming Our New Staff
We would like to extend a warm welcome to 5 new speical people who have joined us in our acts29 family and mission as we continue to make our work A Mission of Love.
Our Director of Operations, Alan Farinas, joined us in early March. Alan has left behind his executive, air-conditioned office and comfortable life for our simple way of life in acts29. However he is not new to the community or to Paaralang Pantao (School for Humanity) and Payatas. Alan has been volunteering together with us since 2001.
He graduated from the Univerity of Santo Thomas in Sociology In his parish, he oversees 9 choirs. He loves music, chorals, sings and he cooks (pesto pasta :) and he laughs LOUDLY. He has more energy than a 15 year old kid and an outgoing personality that easily reaches out to others.
Now without a car, he travels from home in Fairview to Payatas and Erap City and commutes back regularly. With jeepney strikes, stop-go traffic and rough roads, he's a messenger on a mission. And we hope we continues to bring his message of hope and love beyond the season of Lent. He joins us to fulfil Blessed John Paul II's call to the youth during WYD Manila - "as the Father sent me, so I am sending you” (John 20:21).
We also welcome Nicholas Chua who has unconditionally said "Yes" to the call to serve. Nick arrived in Manila on March 10, unsure of what to expect from the community of acts29, the kids, the parents, even the house. Likewise the community did not not know what to expect from this Singaporean who is giving 6 months "to live with them". A former pastoral worker at the Church of the Holy Spirit, he was also a novitiate in Australia for a year before returning to Singapore.
Nick spends his time on the faith formation program of the kids/teens and staff of acts29. He also cooks dinner for the community on Sundays. And so far he's learnt one thing when travelling out of Erap City (where he lives). "I learn that when I travel out, I may not be able to travel back." He's experienced his first jeepney strike and good ol' Manila traffic.
We also welcome Ate Eden, the new house parent for the formation house residents. She has already been with us for 2 months. She's settled well with the kids and also helps them with their homework besides cooking. The kids are doing very well under her supervision.
2 of our mothers from the support group, Martina and Adelaida, have also joined us have full-time as DOT officers for the TB treatment program.
Just last year we only had 1 full-time staff on board, Eugene, our supervisor. As our friend May Batol always reminds us when it rains, it pours. So we thank God for his abundant blessing but this call to serve is extended to you too.
Matthew 9:37 "The harvest is rich but the labourers are few".
If you too would like to join us as a full-time volunteer making Christ known and loved, pls contact us. We need long-term volunteers (for teaching). We also need short-term volunteers.
If you cannot join us as a volunteer but would like to contribute in other ways, do drop us an email.
The work of our staff is essential. They are involved in the direct care / supervision of our teens/kids, scholarship, formation, mother's support group, medical, teaching. If you would like to make a donation or pledge to the operations/salary of staff in acts29, pls email daryl@acts29mission.com
In the meantime, acts29 is registering as a foundation /NGO in the Philippines.
Posted by
Acts 29
11:32 pm
Thursday, 1 March 2012
24Hour Fast
We will be organizing the 24Hour Fast this year on 24th March 2012, Saturday.
For details and registration please go to http://24hourfast.blogspot.com/
Posted by
Acts 29
11:01 am
Thursday, 23 February 2012
A Call to Conversion
Lent has begun as of yesterday 22 February with Ash Wednesday. Why are ashes put on our foreheads on this day? Ashes are an anicent symbol of repentance. Ashes also remind us of our mortality. At the end of our lives here on earth, we will stand before God and be judged.
Today this message of mortality and coming judgement day is lost on many of us caught up with personal ambitions. We are so consumed with with our immediate tasks and duties. We are too busy with our careers and attaining our goals for the next few years.The irony is that while we are afraid to be left behind we fail to see what lies beyond in the decades ahead of us. We work hard to improve our globalized post-modern world. Yet we have lost touch with our Earth's history that 4 billion of years ago, the Earth was quite a different place. In the last hundred years, we have transformed the landscape of our Earth so drastically that many a mountain and river, ecosystems and habitats no longer exist thanks to our quest for development.
Sadly, we have lost touch with our call and purpose as humans and as brothers and sisters to one another. We watch the daily news ever so intently and to the suffering we see on the tele of war and famine, of injustice and disasters; we feel little less than an emotion of being "sorry" for the other. Then we switch off the tele and the images quickly fade away as we so decide to move on to the rest of the day. As if the other was in a distant strange land beyond our universe. When Sunday comes we see ourselves in church and we say the I Confess; with little sincerity, to the what I have done and what I have failed to do.
We have also lost touch with God in our lives and in our world. We are systematically removing Him from our society. We have spent the last 50 years or so doing what we can to control life from creation till death. We want to uncover His mystery and so we have lost His majesty. Where once we could freely lean forward and trust in His gentle presence, today we doubt even to lean an inch forward.
But God is more than this world and God is more than our lifetime of goals and ambitions. He was here even before 4 billion years ago and He will continue to be here. We can build and build houses and houses of cards. It is only in Christ we can build a house on solid rock, on firm foundation. Today all may be well. But tomorrow we may find ourselves jobless or sick or alone. The happiness we have earned today will not see us through for the next 50 years. We have to keep working to be happy. What is the point of such an ambition?
The God we have been trying to outdo, the one who called all things into being, only He can give us the joy and the peace we seek and that can never be taken away. Acts 17:28 For in him we live and move and have our being.
Lent calls us to conversion. Lent reminds us to prepare well for that final Judgement Day. Lent invites us to die to our sins and rise up to new life in Christ. The imposition of ashes at the start of Lent indicates that I recognise the need for deeper conversion in my life. Lent is a season for renewal. This season of lent we can look at our divided lives and rediscover the call to holiness.
Posted by
Acts 29
11:35 am
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Youth Speak!
Posted by
Acts 29
1:58 pm