Friday, 29 August 2008

What's Happening in the Coming Months

We're planning ahead! We have to! World Mission Day is several weeks away. Then we move towards the end of the Liturgical Year with the Feast of Christ the King. We'll be entering into the new liturgical year before you know it. So it'll be Advent, Mission Trip, Christmas and 2009 is on our door step.

These are the plans still in the making. We need you feedback so shout it out to us!

acts29 Youth Retreat
Nov 14-16 (Fri nite- Sun evening). Open to any youth. Free of Charge. We promise it's going to be an out-of-this-world, once-in-a-lifetime experience! But in order for it to be as amazing as it can be, you as participants make the difference. Do challenge yourself, step out of your comfort zone and experience life to the full! Come, Experience God!
More details out soon! Watch our website for registration

Advent Mission Payatas (Philippines)
Dec 1 -14. All youths welcome. Non-acts29 youths who cannot commit to 14 days due to schooling can opt for 7-9 days.
Accommodation: Paaralang Pantao, Montalban
Est Cost: $500 (including airfare, lodging and food)

Advent Mission Singapore
Details out soon

New Year Eve Thanksgiving Party and Countdown
So we're thinking a function hall, with emcees from the Nonises (Yup even Bobby) hehe
Sit-down Chinese Dinner
Games like Dun forget the Lyrics and MTV games... and acts29's home-made Punk'd videos
Special Performances by Iggy.. and others...
of course, there'll be gifts/prizes...
and lastly, ladies will look like ladies that day and guys will have to be in shirts and ties!
come to think of it we have never seen acts29 dressed up to the 9s...

Monday, 25 August 2008

How did the Games Day Go?

Saturday... it poured.. it rained cats and dogs... but that didnt stop us 29ers from having a good time.
We started off with indoor games. Black-Out member paired with Tree-Hugger member. And the game was "how well do you know your friend?"

Funny moments during the game:
What is your friend's Baptism name?
Iggy wrote for himself: Ignatius
Ben wrote for Iggy: Bernadette.... hehe

What is your friend's birthday?
Brother and sister team - got the date wrong! Either they did not know who was being asked or they really didnt know! haha

Mad and Celesther

It was still drizzling when the indoor game ended so we decided to play on the youth centre's field instead of at the basketball court.

Black-Out was down by 1 member... Cos IGGY the BLACK-OUT TEAM MANAGER came in GREEN!!! that's so IGGY... So Captain's Ball kicked off! The rain got heavier and the ground got real muddy. People started to loose their footing and there was the occasional trip, slide, swooosh into the mud. Wet, dirty muddy! that's the way we like it!

At half time, the score was 5-3 with Tree Huggers in the lead. Black Out team captain AANQW was none too happy with his team's performance. We switched to reverse Captain's Ball (that means you can only throw the ball backwards not forwards). Black-Out team members hoped that this new style would help them. However it did not. Spyke from Black Out at 1.84m was intercepting all the throws from Black Out. Black out was not only disadvantaged from lack of members, they were also out-done in height. However Ben 16 from the Black Out was everywhere on the field trying to steal back the ball. And AANQW was blocking all the attempted shoot-ins from tree-huggers. However black out was consistently marked by arggressive players like T Wu and TimHo who fought violently for the ball from little blackout members like Des.

Black Out was also plagued with injury when Faith fell on concrete ground during half-time and injured her wrist. But the fiesty player, played on. In the end, the game ended with 9-5. Tree-huggers were the Champs.

The day didn't end there. The muddy, soaking wet players marched to the showers washed up and changed into dry clothes. Tim Ho looked like a new person when he emerged with clothes donated by Aunty Theresa. Never seen Tim in a red t-shirt till that day! Towels were also provided to those who didn't bring their own by Aunty Theresa. When the rain subsided into a drizzle, the group headed to Sengkang (Spurs den) for KFC and MACs.

We want to thank the Lord for blessing us with such a community where we can be ourselves and laugh at ourselves. At the same time, we are brothers and sisters who continue to be there for each other and sharing the faith as one.
Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict the 16th reminds us that:

If we are to understand the mission of the Church, we must go back to the Upper Room
where the disciples remained together (cf. Lk 24:49), praying with Mary, the “Mother”, awaiting the Spirit that had been promised. This icon of the nascent Church should be a constant source of inspiration for every Christian community.

Apostolic and missionary fruitfulness is not principally due to programmes and pastoral methods that are cleverly drawn up and “efficient”, but is the result of the community’s constant prayer (cf. Evangelii Nuntiandi, 75).

Moreover, for the mission to be effective, communities must be united, that is, they must be “of one heart and soul” (cf. Acts 4:32), and they must be ready to witness to the love and joy that the Holy Spirit instils in the hearts of the faithful (cf. Acts 2:42).

John Paul II wrote that, even prior to action, the Church’s mission is to witness and to live in a way that shines out to others (cf. Redemptoris Missio, 26). Tertullian tells us that this is what happened in the early days of Christianity when pagans were converted on seeing the love that reigned among Christians: “See how they love one another” (cf. Apology, 39 § 7).

Let us continue to be a community of prayer and love. :)

All Black-Out and Tree-Hugger members do shout out and tag about the event!

And don't forget next Sat's meeting 3pm - Mission Briefing for December. All members to attend. Music Team, music as usual and ppt slides will be arranged by Iggy.

Have a great week peeps!

Wednesday, 20 August 2008


HEY 29ers...
2 more days countdown to our 29er GAMES
Are you ready? The list you're waiting for is out. HERE it is:


BLACK OUT(Black Team)
1. Team Manager/Coach: Eagleinsuit - vast experience in coffeeshop soccer, former Chemical Defence (mock suit experience)
2. Team Captain: AANQW - PTI Trainee
3. Secret Weapon: Bendedict 16 - National Youth Olympics Basketball trainee n wushu kid
4. Faith - therapeutic movement
5. Des - Triple E spirit
6. Celesther - School Team Air-Pistol Shooter

1. Team Manager/Coach: Spyke - Sengkang No 1 Football Manager, former cammando (trainee)
2. Team Capatain: T. Wu - Pseudo Commando
3. Secret Weapon: TimHo - SCOUT who cooks up a storm anytime!
4. Joce - volleyball school team setter
5. Maddy - Legion Marian Movement
6. Francis - Taekwando black belt 2nd dan, sanda, karate, judo

Manyzer-coaches are also players.
Umpire: Sherlyn!!!
Team Names chosen by unsuspecting Captains

Dress Code:
No Name Black team - Paaralang Pantao black t-shirts
TreeHuggers - Paaralang Pantao green t-shirts
Footwear - whatever suits your style

Rulezzz of the Game
1. Footwork - no running with ball.
2. There are no other rules, no breaks, no half-time.

Report at Hougang CC: 245pm
Warm-ups: Captains
Motivational rahrah: manager-coach
Kick Off: 3pm (scissors/paper/stone)

How to play the Game: It gets whackier every 15minutes
1. Regular basketball (game time 15min)

2. Netball style - no dribbling/bouncing the ball (game time 15 min)

3. Netball style backwards - all players run backwards, except shooters.
(1 shooter per team. Shooters are blindfolded. only one person allowed in semi-circle to pass ball to shooter. All can give instructions to shooter for shooting)

Managers-Coaches can start planning NOW.
Everyone practice moving backwards TODAY.


Q: What if a "colour blinds" comes in a salah coloured-tshirt. (i.e. Iggy appears in Green instead of Black?)
A: Easy... Black loses a team member, Green gains a team member. If you're afraid of that.. then bring an extra tee for the colour blinds

Q: What if the Hougang CC court is in use?
A: We'll assign "chopers" who will go early to "chope" the court, primary school style with water bottles. But if there's 7-month activity on court? We'll carry on in CAYC's field. Game 1 and 2 will be replaced with Captain's Ball

Q: Will there be any soccer matches? for the Gabrielites....
A: for the Flood the Green Playground Peeps.. We promise a soccer event soon...

Q: Can I use other skills in this game?
A: Sure you can! Remember there are no rules! If Benedict 16 (black team) is as good as Kobe Bryant, just use your (green team) black belt 2nd dan skills. Then Black team can counter that with their ace air pistol shooter. No one said you can't air pistol shoot your opponent. And green team can counter that with lots of prayer from the Marian Movement. And if bad team is really losing badly, call out your TRIPLE E SPIRIT! THAT'S THE WAY TO WIN THE GAME... and dun forget you have your commando trainee, pseudo commando, MRF and PTI to help you along!

Q: What if I don't know how to play basketball?
A: Good Question! Well we thought that through and have embedded 10 Greatest Michael Jordan Moves. If you can copy and paste one move, your team's a winner!

Monday, 18 August 2008

The Right to a Birth Certificate

You know in every country I know of... it is mandatory to have a birth certificate to be enrolled for school. My birth certificate is something I have taken for granted. It's always somewhere... but i've got it.. even if it gets lost, I just need to get a duplicate made, simple... no fuss. As a kid, I also never knew what was the purpose of having a birth certificate other than knowing my name, parents' name, where I was born and what day I was born on. But the most important thing to anyone is to know what's on the birth certificate!

If my mum remembered my birthdate wrongly, the birth certificate would clear up the misunderstanding. If someone called me by another name, the birth certificate would verify who I was. If I got seperated from my parents, the birth certificate would tell me who they are, where they lived... and just for that nostalgic moment, I could return to the very hospital I was born in so many years ago.

Then I went to Payatas and I realized the plight of every person in Payatas and every person born into poverty. There's so much uncertainty. Names can be changed anytime. Parents can't be verified or tracked. And birthdates are just a guess. Birth certificate gives one a nationality and an identity. And it also protects a child! It also is the passport to an eudcation... education that breaks the poverty cycle!

I'm happy to read that in Mumbai, an NGO is working to getting birth certificates for the kids there. And even happier to know that the Indian government has a target to register every citizen (adult/newborn) by December 2008. Let's hope they keep to their word. India is setting the example. It has 1 billion citizens.. by now more...

What about the Philippines?

Is it fair that a scavenging parent earning 8-300 pesos a day has to fork out 900-2000 pesos to secure a birth certificate for her/his child? Maybe the rich can afford it. But simple Maths tells us the parent in the dumpsite cannot afford that certificate or that of the other 6 kids. And why should the children suffer because the parent can't afford it?

Is it fair that an illiterate parent has to fill up many forms on his/her own just as an educated person is expected to? Is it fair that a working parent has to make a 2hour journey or more and stand in queue for about 7 hours just to get one form? and to return the next day to join the same queue? and this stupid cycle goes on and on????
sometimes the printer is spoilt and the parent has to return the next day? the child eagerly waiting for his birth certificate would have literally starved to death by the time mum/dad is done with queuing and queuing and paying and paying!

And this same thing happens not only in the Philippines but in other countries too where the poor are the nobodies in society! Who cares about their birth certificates? They are poor because they are lazy? They choose to be poor and live in dumpsites and squatters? And the biggest irony is that their own people and their own governments don't care about them. I know because I see it, because I've spoken to Filipinos who openly express disgust at the bunch of people living atop smoky mountain. I know that there are good people who care, who want to do something. But right now there are not enough of these good people in our societies!

Wasn't there some noble dream to eradicate poverty by 2010? isnt that what governments want to see happening too? I just wonder the powerful, the leaders, the rich... eradicate poverty or eradicate the people we label, "Poor"?

If you're reading this and you want to eradicate poverty or want to do something good... go to where the poor are... know his/her name, his/her parent's name/s, where and when s/he was born.... because that person is somebody with a right to live, to exist, to be a citizen, to be identified and known... Then go a step further... secure a birth certificate... as an affirmation that s/he ia a Person (your friend and brother/sister) and acknowledge his/her meaningful participation in the world/country/society/community/family.

I have a 2010 goal. I would like to work on getting birth certificates for the people in Payatas. If possible for everyone in Philippines and in other countries.... but i think this is a goal we can all share in wherever we are.


Thursday, 7 August 2008

Heart Speaks

I can't help but feel the emotions as I read this blog. Thanks for writing such strong truths. When I was in the cue with Jennylyn, all around us were images of pain, to tell you the truth I wanted to ran away. I waited for Jennylyn as she was being interviewed inside the office. All of us waited we are around 30 people outside and the rain is pouring heavily. I wanted to curse our government and blame why such corruption around us. We can’t even stay in a decent place while we’re cueing. Yes I complained and the feeling was suffocating. I am the most “able” among the group. The rest look hapless and weary. I closed my eyes so hard, I don't want to see nor listen for a moment, but I hear them all supporting each other, even advising others where to go next where to ask for donation. They are even cueing for free biscuits and coffee donated by the vice mayor just to give something to the mourners. Why think about the mourners? I realized how generous these people are!

I was sitting beside a father who had crutches, he told me he can't control his urine since year 2000, I asked him why he is cuing there? Why not go to charity hospital? He told me his wife had stroke and his children are all very young. Beside him was a young girl, his child, around 13 years old, his companion who’ll talk to the social worker and seek assistance. What to do? My heart aches and I beg the Lord’s miracle for them. The young girl came back after the interview with another requirement to go to the Social welfare service to get some social analysis report and endorsement. In my heart I want to burn the place. But the father beside me, reservedly said, let’s just see what we can do next. I realized how patient these people are!

Jennylyn also came out of the office with nothing. They want her to secure the original death certificate! Crazy! That time I avoided looking at her eyes. I was so angry! The place was in Buendia, we live in Payatas, we travelled 3 hours to be there and they won’t give her anything! The social worker told her to give the original death certificate and after 1 week she can get the 3000 pesos subsidy from the Office of the Vice President!!! 1 week more!!! That’s just the same cost if we pay for the added medicines for the her aunt’s body! We left the place with a heavy heart. I walk her to Jollibee and over lunch she told me. Ate May I realize God has purpose why he didn’t give us the money. Maybe he’ll give it to the 3 month old baby beside us with cancer! I was speechless. I realized how sensitive and concern these people are!

I learned something in this journey, the value of just giving...JUST GIVE!!! it doesn't matter how much, but when we encounter someone who ask for help just give! It's not foolish! Subconsciously maybe we fear we'll be used or we're being manipulated, but we have gifts--- to feel, we got gut feelings, intuition and conscience. The heart and brain can decide and discern!!! If we have somthing to give why keep it?

May God bless us with these gifts of generosity and keen heart to reach out to the needy in our midst!!!!


Monday, 4 August 2008

The Rich and the Poor Divide

The Rich and Poor live very very far away from each other. The Rich have boats, planes, cars, buses... but they don't know how to get to where the Poor are. They don't know the way there. The Rich don't know who the Poor are and they hardly talk about them.

The Poor on the other hand know where the Rich live. They see them on TV, hear about them from the radio and they've heard others talk about the Rich. But the Poor don't have the means to get to where the Rich are.

Recently Nicasio and Joannie were making their rounds on the dumpsite, begging for pesos. Why were they begging? To bury their mum who died of TB. How much could they get from the other scavengers eking out a living. Prob 1 to 10 pesos per donor. What did they have to raise? 15,000 pesos!

Having a funeral or burying the dead is not a difficulty for the Rich but for the Poor, HOW? When 1 peso matters so much, how can they grasp 15, 000 pesos? Mayb went with them to the Social Welfare Department to get some discount on the burial. There were tons of other Poor in line. All with the same problem. All with the same worry, "How long more would the formaline last? How long more could they postpone the burial?"

It's easy for the Rich to get to the burial grounds. But what about the Poor? They have to walk, across 2 rivers, trudge through the mud... in some distant corner, lies a plot, a burial for the Poor.

Being born is just as difficult for the Poor. They don't get the same privilege as the Rich do at their birth. For the rich, they're born in hospitals. The family is there to certify the birth of their child. And the family can afford the certificate. For the Poor, they are born at home or in a clinic. Often family is not present and no one to certify the birth. Anyway the Poor can't afford the certificate. The Poor lack the basic right to be certicfied born, to exist in their country. This is how they go through life without their certificate. The Poor cannot engage in meaningful participation in society. Well, they can't even enter school. The Poor will never read or write. They just have to survive: breathe, eat, sleep. They dwell with other Poor, they squat where there's space. They live from hand to mouth, worrying about their next meal. Education is but a dream. Birth certificate is out of one's reach. The Poor have to secure their next meal and that of the other 7 mouths to feed in the family. They would be starving if they were to line up 8 hours in a government building for their birth certificate. They would have to beg, borrow, steal 2000 pesos to pay for the cert, and still earn something for food that day. And if they got that far to the line with the 2000 pesos, they would have no idea how to complete the form nor have the necessary information required.

The Rich have identity. They have names, addresses and contact numbers. Their face is seen everywhere, their voice heard. The Poor cannot prove their identity. Who would remember their name? Who would bother with their address or ask for their contact number? They all look the same. Their voice is silent.

The Rich may say that's how it is. The Poor are used to rejection, suffering and hunger. Let them be. What would Jesus say?
"There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. At his gate was laid a beggar named Lazarus, covered with sores and longing to eat what fell from the rich man's table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores.
"The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham's side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23In hell,[a] where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, 'Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.'

"But Abraham replied, 'Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.'

"He answered, 'Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my father's house, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.'

"Abraham replied, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.'

" 'No, father Abraham,' he said, 'but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.'

"He said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.' "

Saturday, 2 August 2008

Catholic group wastes whole uncooked chicken for game at retreat!!!

Today we were leaving the Catholic Youth Centre after our meeting and we noticed that a church was having a youth retreat. The youths were playing Captain's Ball in the field. We thought it was interesting as the ball didn't look like a ball. Curious we took a closer look. To our surprise, we realised that the ball was acutally a whole uncooked chicken... Then surprise turned into disgust as we realised that the chicken was getting torn and thrown all over the grass... obviously not to be consumed...

ok but we won't judge lah... maybe they did cook and eat the whole chicken in the end...despite it's final condition by the end of the game. Also I'm not going to mention which parish this was.

This seems to be the in-thing now especially at orientation games for JCs, Polys and Unis. I know from people who have attended such orientation the food used gets thrown away, beyond consumption standards.

If you're a Catholic/Christian read this... for your own soul... one of the seven deadly sins.

Guttony is the over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste. In the Christian religions, it is considered a sin because of the excessive desire for food, or its withholding from the needy.
If you have a different religion I'm sure that your religion also frowns on the above mentioned. If you have values and morals, your conscience would tell you this is wrong.

World Hunger and Poverty: How They Fit Together
862 million people across the world are hungry, up from 852 million a year ago. 3

Every day, almost 16,000 children die from hunger-related causes--one child every five seconds.

In essence, hunger is the most extreme form of poverty, where individuals or families cannot afford to meet their most basic need for food. 1

Hunger manifests itself in many ways other than starvation and famine. Most poor people who battle hunger deal with chronic undernourishment and vitamin or mineral deficiencies, which result in stunted growth, weakness and heightened susceptibility to illness.

Countries in which a large portion of the population battles hunger daily are usually poor and often lack the social safety nets we enjoy, such as soup kitchens, food stamps, and job training programs. When a family that lives in a poor country cannot grow enough food or earn enough money to buy food, there is nowhere to turn for help.

Taken from

Hunger exists not only in 3rd world countries. Hunger exists in Singapore too. When we went on our 1st Angel Network outreach we had loads of food to give away. We didnt just give the food. We met families, individuals, elderly who shared their stories with us. One family shared that usually non-profit groups give them canned sardines, baked beans, square biscuits, milo, salt, sauces, oil, beehooon, rice. Treats would be canned chicken curry or rendang. What were luxuries for them? Eggs, chicken, pork, fish, milk, sausages, Jacob biscuits. What about prawns, sotong, crab???

I remember buying a whole chicken for a family once. The mum was delighted. The family of 6 would ration the chicken for at least 3 meals. Another time we included eggs for another family. The kids were so happy to get them.

If orientation groups really want to use food to break the ice, why not. But please don't use food to throw at each other. Imagine a group member having to play such a game, a member whose family can't afford chicken for lunch or dinner.

Suggestion for orientation activities where food can be used:
1. Organize an outreach to distribute chicken, eggs, meat, fish to families who are in need. It's easy to spot these households. Contact acts29 if you need tips...
2. Help at the soup kitchen of St Michael's Church or Nativity Church, daily food prepared for the poor.
3. Contact Archdiocesan Commission for Migrants and Itinerant People. They need people to spot new construction sites and people to deliver food to these sites (usually for new foreign workers)
4. Go to Serangoon Road, give lunch to the foreign workers you meet. Most of them earn so little a day that they can only afford rice and some lentils/plain curry.
5. Contact Gift of Love Home run by the Missionaries of Charity Sisters (by Mother Teresa) and sponsor a meal for the elderly residents.
5. There are so many other places who would welcome food.

Feel free to contact acts29 for more details.

Also acts29 would like to invite the Catholic Chicken-Throwing Youths to our annual 24hour FAST (For Asia Solidarity Together). This is held in Lent. So do join us next March. This is a time for young people to actively work together to eradicate poverty and hunger in Asia and also eradicate gluttony in our affluent country.

God bless

Friday, 1 August 2008

Planning a Church Retreat for Teens?

Planning a Church Retreat for Teens? How to get retreat rules across to teens? watch this video I stumbled on from youtube. It is produced by teens from Church of the Holy Spirit. It's hilarious... I love the comic timing for the actors... really original... something like Be Kind Rewind.

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