Thursday, 20 December 2007

What a miracle!

A new Christian was enthusiastically reading his Bible at the park. On the next bench was an old skeptic who was observing the happy new Christian. Suddenly the Christian shouted, "Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!"
The skeptic asked aloud, "What's the praising for?"
The Christian replied, "Moses led the Israelites across the Red Sea! God parted the Red Sea! What a miracle! Praise the Lord!"
The old skeptic sighed, "That's not a miracle!" Don't you know? The water in the Red Sea sometimes receeds to a depth of only 2 inches. Those Israelites crossed the sea and only got their ankles wet in the muddy shallow water!"
The Christian looked downcast but continued to read the Bible. The skeptic satisfied, began to nod off.
But the skeptic was soon awaken by more shouts. He woke to find the Christian jumping for joy, laughing and shouting, "Praise God! Praise God! God is great!"
"What's with you now?" asked the irritated skeptic.
The Christian replied with much joy, "God drowned the Egypitans, and their chariots and all the horsemen with just 2 inches of muddy shallow water! What a miracle!"

The greatest miracle of all takes place at Christmas. When you walk down Orchard Road it's easy to forget that really a miracle took place 2000 years ago in a simple manger. It's much easier to buy and give presents, write letters to Santa, attend Christmas parties then to open our hearts to the Infant Jesus.

Christmas is a time to renew our love for God, those around us, even our neighbours, especially the poor. This is the time to embrace God's love by receiving his Son Jesus once more into our lives and into our families.

1John 4:10 "Love consists in this; it is not we who love God, but God loved us and sent his Son to expiate our sins."

This Christmas let's accept God's love for us.

Let God be God

I had such a good time reading the various super powers you want to have.
Funny lah!
Daryl wants to be a cheerleader!? Alvin is scary. Don't go near him, he'll read ur mind. OK i know why.. so no need to talk, just know. hehe. I don't know why Iggy wants to be spiderman.. I thought he would rather be able to see all the colours of the rainbow. Sylvester is not that smart after all. He wants to fly to beat the airfares. but he'll just be a big bird in the air and he'll take a long time to fly to another country. Boeing and Airbus... those things have turbo power... How far can Sly fly? How fast can Sly fly? Got to fly low, cannot fly too high cos not enough oxygen. Nikki is cute and smart... Girl power! Get away from trouble in a fingersnap. As for me yes, I know... My voice is loud enough. Call one time, everyone can hear! I was thinking, actually if I had the power to call the person's name and pop the fellow appears. E.g. "OSAMA!!" out from the Afghan cave into my living room.. shudders...oh no! So if i call his name backwards, then back to the Afghan cave he returns. E.g "AMASO" poof!
ok why did I ask this question again??
oh yes. cos it's advent.
You see we've been meeting thrice a week for advent sessions to fellowship, hear the Word of God and pray together. We want to prepare ourselves to receive Jesus. What's so important that we have to devote such time? give up our old life for Jesus... because Jesus is greater than any superpower. He is Lord over every sovereignty, principality and force.

If really we were given some kind of superpower and we didn't know Jesus... we wouldnt know how best to use it for others. As it is we've got superpower modern technology. But many don't know how to use it wisely. As a result, the Earth, our home, is being destroyed. Often we want to play God and we attempt to do so, often with negative consequences. From this Christmas let God be God and stop playing God.

Friday, 14 December 2007

The Most Important Advent Question

Hey to all the people I know and all the people I don't know.
Please send in your answer by choosing any of these options...tagging, commenting or emailing:

Leave your name if you want or stay anonymous. Give a "cheem" theological answer if you wish or a funny one or a smart alec answer. Answer anyway you want... Don't have to think so hard...

Here it is:

If you were a SUPERHERO what kind of power would you like to have... and WHY?

Alrighty! I'll be waiting for your answers. We'll publish the answers here this Sunday.


Thursday, 13 December 2007

Wednesday, 5 December 2007

to begin with Humanity... is to begin with Jesus

If you have been to our website lately you’d have seen our new banner: the one month School for Humanity mission trip.

You are 16-20 years old.
You would like to give 1 month to serve the Lord.
You would also like to experience living amongst the poor.

But… you say, “I’m too young.”
Acts29 partly means Acts: A Call To Serve
Every baptized person is entrusted with the mission of the Christ and in responding to the call of our baptism we renew our missionary commitment and strengthen our faith by giving to others and to give meaning to life in today's world.

That’s what the church says… not what acts29 says... that every baptized person has a mission... and more so if you’ve been confirmed.

29: is the continuation of the Acts of the Apostles which ends at Acts Chapter 28.
Christ gave his disciples the missionary mandate: “Go and make disciples of all nations,… and lo, I am with you always, to the close of age.” The apostles were sent to the whole world and they were assured that the Spirit would enable them to fulfill their work.

Acts29 is having this mission trip for the young so that young people like you can take this opportunity to respond to the missionary mandate given by Jesus.

But… you say, “What have I got that’s so great that it can make a difference?”
You know I’ve met parents who say to their children they can’t go for mission trips because
“You’re not God. Don’t play God. You’re not a saint or a religious!”

The church recognizes that the Holy Spirit is the principal agent of our mission. If someone is going to experience God’s love it is “not by your might nor by your power but by the Spirit of God”

But…you say, “I can serve the poor in Singapore. I don’t have to go all the way to Payatas”
80% of the world’s resources is used by 20% of the world’s population. That 20% world population includes all the people living in Singapore, who have access to clean running water, basic sanitation, a HDB flat to call home. And in Singapore, food is available 24hours. If we have to go out and look for the poor in Singapore, then we are not poor. Poverty is where the poor is everywhere you go and the poor includes you. FYI: 20% of the world’s resources is available to 80% of the world’s population. (Stats from U.N)

As young people we have much kindness in our hearts but do we have the courage to step out of our comfort zones? We know what’s happening in the world. We see the injustices on the news. We want to change the world. We seek for solutions as world leaders, politicians, business moguls, humanitarians do. We seek to bring justice, peace, freedom and love to this world. We seek to heal the earth and to bring God’s kingdom here on earth. But before we pursue our dream of transformation, it is Jesus whom we should give our hearts to. It is he who will begin the 1st transformation, by transforming us. Before we embark on the rest of our life’s journey to do good, let us build ourselves, not on shallow sand but on solid ground, a deep foundation. Before we begin our dreams for our life and family, our country and our world, let us be in communion with the Lord. Contemplative disciples know his life, his truth, his way.

This January, come live with Jesus.

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

School for Humanity

Are you 16-20 years old?
Do you have one month to give to the Lord?
Do you have place in your heart for the poor?
to live among the poor?

Acts29 is running a mission program for young people: post O and A levels/post ITE and those awaiting NS.
We would like to invite these young people to give 1 month to serve the Lord and to live among the poor.
At the end of the mission, we would like to see these youths back in their parishes, active members igniting the spirit of mission among their peers.

School for Humanity (Paaralang Pantao)
Contemplative youths for mission
School for Humanity is a one-month formation program for youths between the ages of 16 -20 years old who desire to experience Simplicity, Solidarity and Mission through Jesus for others.

A one month formation program to
1)Contemplation – be in communion with Jesus as we encounter him in the suffering poor
2)Compassion - love in action for the transformation of this world, “loving our neighbour”
3)Communication – proclaiming Jesus Christ to others, to witness, to engage in a dialogue of life

Cost: $600 (airfare, food and accommodation) funds can be raised through acts29

Youths will have mission experience in Paaralang Pantao and Anawim Lay Missions Foundation

To register youths are required to email a personal introduction (including name, age, parish, email address, contact no) to
The personal introduction should include
• A brief description of who you are, your personality and background
• Why you are interested to participate in this mission
• How you intend to use this experience to serve in your parish

Jan 3 -5: stay-in pre-mission preparation
Sessions include:
• How to Pray
• Catholic Social Teachings
• Redemptoris Missio
• Tagalog and Cooking Lessons

Jan 6-27: Philippines Mission
Living as a community (Montalban)
Serving urban poor (Payatas and Erap) and abandoned (Anawim)
Witness and evangelization

Jan 28-Feb 3: Post Mission
Singapore sharing and outreach (participants will return to their parishes to share with youth groups/catechism classes, whichever is possible) their mission experience
To ignite a sense of mission among their peers and in their parishes.