Tuesday, 4 December 2007

School for Humanity

Are you 16-20 years old?
Do you have one month to give to the Lord?
Do you have place in your heart for the poor?
to live among the poor?

Acts29 is running a mission program for young people: post O and A levels/post ITE and those awaiting NS.
We would like to invite these young people to give 1 month to serve the Lord and to live among the poor.
At the end of the mission, we would like to see these youths back in their parishes, active members igniting the spirit of mission among their peers.

School for Humanity (Paaralang Pantao)
Contemplative youths for mission
School for Humanity is a one-month formation program for youths between the ages of 16 -20 years old who desire to experience Simplicity, Solidarity and Mission through Jesus for others.

A one month formation program to
1)Contemplation – be in communion with Jesus as we encounter him in the suffering poor
2)Compassion - love in action for the transformation of this world, “loving our neighbour”
3)Communication – proclaiming Jesus Christ to others, to witness, to engage in a dialogue of life

Cost: $600 (airfare, food and accommodation) funds can be raised through acts29

Youths will have mission experience in Paaralang Pantao and Anawim Lay Missions Foundation

To register youths are required to email a personal introduction (including name, age, parish, email address, contact no) to enquiry@acts29mission.org.
The personal introduction should include
• A brief description of who you are, your personality and background
• Why you are interested to participate in this mission
• How you intend to use this experience to serve in your parish

Jan 3 -5: stay-in pre-mission preparation
Sessions include:
• How to Pray
• Catholic Social Teachings
• Redemptoris Missio
• Tagalog and Cooking Lessons

Jan 6-27: Philippines Mission
Living as a community (Montalban)
Serving urban poor (Payatas and Erap) and abandoned (Anawim)
Witness and evangelization

Jan 28-Feb 3: Post Mission
Singapore sharing and outreach (participants will return to their parishes to share with youth groups/catechism classes, whichever is possible) their mission experience
To ignite a sense of mission among their peers and in their parishes.

email: enquiry@acts29mission.org

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