Friday, 25 April 2008

My Catechism in Payatas

Today I was in Payatas and we met up with the kids who were recently baptised. They eagerly came to the school and we had our 1st Catechsim lesson outdoors, on the school's porch. The large umbrella shelter provided a soothing relief from the scorching sun. Temperatures have soared to 37 deg celsius. I wonder how those atop the dumpsite can take all that heat being absored into their body each day..

The 10 kids are of various ages.. From 4 to 9 years old. It's an odd group and at 1st we felt a little lost. As a teacher, I know that we need to group them. The kinders can have singing, colouring, games and listen to stories of Jesus. The grade 3s and above can have singing, simple Bible study and faith sharing. But due to limited resources, we continue our meeting in the outdoors as one group.

We ask them why they got baptised. 1 kid answers,"For Birth terticate (certificate)". We ask them to describe how Jesus looks like. There is silence before 1 kid blurts out "The one on the cross?" I begin to feel sorry for them and sorry for myself even.. hehe. What am I to do now?

At that moment I thought, "Just share with them the name of Jesus". We share about the power of His Name. They can call upon the name of Jesus anytime, everytime, anywhere, everywhere. When they're happy or sad, lonely or with friends... and Jesus will always be with them. I ask if they knew how much Jesus loves them. They didn't know. Then I remembered something my friend, Iwan, had done recently. So I ask them to stand and stretch out their hands as wide as they could. I ask them to recall a time, they felt lonely or sad, or happy; a time they just wanted Jesus to be with them. And we sing "Jesus Jesus Jesus". The kids are pretty brave.. they are churning out their own tune of our newest song "Jesus" hehe.. Just one word in this song, "Jesus".

Here was a group of little ones gathered outside, hands stretched out, eyes closed just singing "Jesus, Jesus". Even the 2 mothers with us, joined in. I was wrong to feel sorry for them. In their simplicity, they can embrace the love of Jesus so freely, so openly. We asked them if they would like the group to pray for them. One by one, they raised their hands. "Pray for my lola. She's been sick". The little one was invited to stand in the centre of the circle. With hands stretched out, we led in prayer, in Tagalog and English. Each kid would vouluntarily come to the centre and asked us to pray with him/her. One little girl said, "Pray for my kuya (older brother). He's passed away". The kuya had died even before she was born. Yet this was something she wanted Jesus to know.. she wanted her Kuya to be with Jesus.

This was not just their Catechism. This was my Catechism too. The kids taught me something. We often label poor children as helpless, vulnerable and in need of care. It's like the poverty of a child is so complete since s/he is poor and have nothing to contribute. Today I saw 10 children, in the afternoon sun, hands stretched out, leaning into the wind, embracing God with great love and joy. And I realised my own poverty in seeing their wealth.

April 17 2008.
Paaralang Pantao
Pampanga Street, Payatas

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