Wednesday, 25 June 2008

St Philip Minh and Companions

18th June Wednesday 545pm, our journey in Penang continues.
The day brings us to an interesting place. Thanks to our generous and impromptu guide, Helena, we find ourselves attending Mass at a quaint chapel atop a hill. It is the chapel of the College General (Seminary in Penang).

College General, Penang is one of the few seminaries in the world which possesses relics of martyrs who were once either students or professors who have borne the ultimate witness to Christ, in blood. Its rich tradition of heroic men who have achieved martyrdom is a testimony to all Christians, especially those who have walked along its corridors as well as those who will do so in the future. It is hoped that the faith of these martyrs will inspire and motivate us to emulate their love of Christ.

I've been to College General once many years ago. Knew little about the place. So here we were attending a Eucharistic Celebration.. feast of some martyrs - we did not actually know what the occasion was until the celebration began. By the end of the celebration I was very much inspired Philip Minh and his companions. I had come to Penang not expecting anything in particular but I ended up recieving a kind of retreat!

What I learnt during the celebration...
If you're of this world you end up having to please the world. Are we able to stand out from the crowd and be counted? That means speaking the truth and standing up for what we believe... The Martyrs stood up for what they believed.

If you belong to the world, the world will love you as its own. Are we so in want to be loved by the world that we allow people to trample on us? For the 5 martyrs, popular opinion did not matter. They stuck to their freedom. When we speak the truth we have freedom. When we lie we cannot experience this freedom. When we stick to our belief according to God's way (not just our way) we find freedom. What is our response to this call to live our faith? We may not be privileged to die for our faith... but we are privileged to live our faith...

yes I am privileged to be able to wake up everyday and live and move... the martyrs died for their faith.. Christ invites me to live for my faith. I am affirmed that truly only Christ can give us PEACE. and it is in receiving his peace.. we have freedom. Freedom to stand up and be counted. Freedom to speak the truth. Freedom to live my faith! :)

Chirst be near at either hand
Christ behind, before me stand
Christ with me where e'er I go
Christ around, above, below.

Christ be in my heart and mind
Christ within my soul enshrined
Christ control my wayward heart
Christ abide and ne'er depart

Christ my life and only way
Christ my lantern night and day
Christ be my unchanging friend
Guide and shepherd to the end

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