Thursday, 22 January 2009

The Great Commandment, the Great Commission

It's not that difficult to be a good Christian. Jesus' teachings were simple and his instructions were simple too. But it is we who make his teachings and instructions complicated and difficult to follow. We put obstacles before us and give opportunities to the devil to weaken our faith.

The Catechism program for teens in our churches can sometimes be rather complicated. Some churches have textbooks. Some churches have complicated Catechists. Teens are simple folks. Too much teaching can end up with only a little going into their hearts.

While it is good to teach our teens important stuff like how to read the Bible and what is Eucharist and sacraments, etc... we 1st need go take stock of the faith condition of our teens. Teaching the above things are not important if in the 1st place they have no faith. Often in every Catechism class there are more teens with little or zero faith than teens with faith. Many teens think this is what Confirmation means - "this one is a Catholic, confirm... this one may be not be Catholic, cannot confirm." Teens need people to come down to their level and share their faith(both ways).

So let's keep things simple the way Jesus did.

Number 1: the Great Commandment. Always go back to this. Love.. Love God because God loves us... young people want to experience God's love but they don't know how to open their hearts to him. Especially if they've been hurt and have locked up their heart and built a fortress around it. Only God can undo their hurt, heal their wound and love them perfectly.

Number 2: the Great Commission. Serve God. Make Disciples. If young people know and believe God loves them unconditionally, they will go all out to serve Him. We should not wait till the coming of Confirmation Day before we tell them about the Great Commission. We should tell them about this Commission all the time. Because God calls them to serve Him.

The Great Commandment and the Great Commission is for everyone to embrace not just teens. We can share this with our family, our friends, classmates or colleagues, neighbours. Talk about the Great Commandment. Talk about the Great Commission. The more we talk about it, the more people will know it... the more we will live it, the great commandment, the great commission!

The Greatest Love John 13:4

The greatest love a person can have for his friends is to give his life for them.
We know that Jesus gave his life for us... Now the question is for us to answer. If Jesus is our friend and we love him.. the greatest expression of our love would be to give our life for him.

Not literally to end our life as that would be the opposite of loving him. But giving our life over to him.
Take my life and let it be
Consecrated Lord to thee
Take my moments and my days
Let them flow in ceaseless praise

When Simon Peter gave up fishing and followed Jesus, he gave his life over to Jesus. When Paul gave up persecuting Christians, he gave his life over to Jesus.

For those of us who love Jesus then know that Jesus gives us a task, to lay down our life for him. When God gives us a task he always provides everything for us to be able to accomplish it. It may seem tough to lay down our life for Jesus. Perhaps even impossible. God wants us to follow him like Peter and Paul did. God wants to use us just as he did with Peter and Paul. In actual fact, it's not impossible because God will make a way for us just like how he made a way for Peter and Paul. Peter spoke 600 words and converted 3000 people converted(people who didn't understand the language he spoke in yet they heard him speak in their own languages). Paul preached to the Gentiles even though he was a prisoner in Rome. Despite his imprisonment, he spoke about the Kingdom of God and taught about Jesus boldly and freely.

Some of us love Jesus by giving him 5 minutes a day. Some of us love Jesus by giving him $1 a week. We know we can give him more but we won't because we dare not empty ourselves to him. We're afraid that if we empty ourselves, we have nothing left for ourselves. So we make sure we keep 50% and give him 50%. and then we wait for God to give us his 50% But God doesn't and so we give him another 10% (we're left with 40%).. Hoping God would pour back 60%... but he doesn't. Why? Because God wants to give us 100%!!! 100% of his love, his joy, his peace.

At the wedding in Cana, Jesus put back 100% wine into empty wine jars. The new wine he gave tasted even better than the previous wine. If we have the desire to give our life for Jesus, we have to give him our 100%.

Sunday, 18 January 2009

An Ordinary Day for an Ordinary Time

Christmas is over. We've entered into the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. 2009 is here to stay and January will soon be over. The ordinariness of life has taken over. One such ordinary activity we often engage in during the start of the year is we struggle to keep up with New Year resolutions. Many of us, even little kids in school, have set their goals for the year, making projections. The students would have set exam targets and those taking major exams are already preparing for the Day of their 1st actual paper (sometime in Oct). Some adults are making arrangements in case they get retrenched or looking for other jobs. Soon the Budget for 2009 will be released. Singaporeans everywhere are anticipating the budget and waiting for the GST rebates to come in.

So it seems the year has just started but from the plans that have been made, it seems we already know what to expect for the rest of 2009! It's as if we've lived through 2009. We're obsessed with managing everything esp. our time. I wonder if we're good responsible stewards.. or if all our plannings are done out of fear.. fear of the unknown future... So whatever comes our way... we have what we need to survive... We don't anything to want to rock our goals for an ordinary year.

Today's readings are close to my heart. For one, the story of Samuel brings me back to the time when as a hyperactive 10 year old, my siblings were exhausted out and I had no one to play with. While looking for geckos to freeze (then to thaw beside my sleeping sisters), I chanced upon a dusty Bible at the bottom of the shelf. While flipping though the pages I came across the story of Samuel and his famous words "Speak Lord your servant is listening". I marvelled at this little boy... and wondered how interesting it would be if God too would speak to me! I would have someone to interact with when everyone was too dead-tired to play with me. And so I prayed, "Speak Lord your servant is listening (and I'm very bored)". What do you sound like God? (Do you have a deep low voice like my dad? Or a loud voice like my mum?) In order to remember the prayer of Samuel I named by teddy bear, Samuel. I've kept to Samuel's prayer since then. Not a day has gone past, when I've felt bored or alone. God always finds ways to entertain and amuse me. God always finds ways to show off his works that leave me marvelled and in awe. God always finds ways to keep me busy and yet out of trouble.

The Gospel is also special because it led me to discover mission. The disciples asked, "Master where do you live?" and Jesus replied, "Come and See". In wanting to see how Jesus lived, I searched here and there. As a teen I was able to travel alot at very low rates (like $20 to $50, sometimes for free). I went to Disneyland. I rode all the rides all day. I went to Europe, saw Buckingham, Eiffel Tower, went to a mountain in Switzerland. I had a good time. I went to Australia, I went horse-riding and rode in a hot-air balloon. I had a good time. I went to Tokyo and watched sumo!!! I like sumo and I had a good time. I did the ordinary things a visitor would have done.

Then one day I went to a place like none other. A massive place where the mountains were made of rubbish, where I opened my mouth and a fly flew in and then flew out, where it was always smoky and musty, where there was no running water, where a lady had a heart-atack and nowhere to go and where undernourished children worked for long hours in dangerous conditions for a pittance. I didn't have a good time. But at the same time I didn't want to go home. The un-ordinary encounter of the people had begun to change my outlook of what ordinary should be.

We set goals, projections, resolutions to determine our future. The commitment each day to stay on track in meeting our targets, achieving standards, to be approved and accepted by others in the hope of having a successful and prosperous future can often rob us of loving Jesus in our ordinary lives.

We may percieve ourselves to be loving, joyful, peaceful, kind people. But the reality of who we are in such a competitive world can be found in how others encounter us. Do the people we interact with daily go away with a sense of joy? Do they feel loved because we have gone out of way to be loving? Do they have peace because we have peace? Do they strive to be kind because they have been moved by our kindness? Before this ordinary day ends, perhaps we can take stock of what fruits we have borne from previous years?

Jesus is the same yesterday, today, forever. If time brings about change, change that we cannot prevent, then Jesus brings about consistency. Jesus gives us consistent joy, love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. In order to enjoy his consistency, we have to be consistent in our relatioship with him. Let him show you what he can do with your ordinary time and your ordinary life. Let's not worry about the "what ifs" and have any fear of the future. Let us spend the year loving Jesus. God does not give the future, He only gives the present, moment by moment.

Have a fruitful year!

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Chinese New Year Outreach

acts29 will be having a Chinese New Year Outreach on 31st Jan Saturday from 930am to 1130am. We need volunteers for this event and hopefully these volunteers after the CNY outreach would like to continue a 1 year outreach program.

Those interested to volunteer for the outreach can email me at:

Who are we reaching out to?
Households in 1 room rental flats in Toa Payoh
Mostly elderly living alone

What will we be doing there?
As we have collated data on the households we'll be visit them and get to know them.

What do we need?
We need volunteers who can go around to befriend the residents.
We need donations of foodstuff.
1. Bread (white or wholemeal)
2. Fruits
3. Coffee/Tea
check back here as we update the list this week

What do we need to do before the outreach?
Those who have signed up as volunteers need to pick up some dialect. Teochew/Hokkien/Cantonese. Volunteers will be assigned to the various households according to the dialects they can communicate in.

What words should a volunteer learn in dialect?
Volunteers should be able to converse in simple dialect. Volunteers should be able to introduce themselves (name, where they live, why they are here, what they are currently doing e.g. study or work)

How are you?
Have you eaten?
What is your name?
What do you like to eat?
What do you do during the day?
What do you like to do?
How can I help you?

What happens after the visit?
Each adopted household will have their own individual needs. We'll come up with a year plan based on what we know about the households. Hopefully enough volunteers can come forward to take up a one year commitment.

If you're free on Saturday morning, please sign up and use this opportunity to love God's people! :)

Saturday, 3 January 2009

Year 2009: From Worship to Living the Good News

These are the readings from 1st of January...
…“May Yahweh bless and keep you!
May Yahweh let his face shine on you, and be gracious to you!
May Yahweh look kindly on you, and give you his peace!
In that way shall they put my name on the people of Israel and I will bless them.” Numbers 6:22-27

He came born of woman and subject to the Law,
in order to redeem the subjects of the Law,
that we might receive adoption as children of God.
And because you are children, God has sent into your hearts the Spirit of his Son
which cries out: Abba! That is Father.
You yourself are no longer a slave but a son or daughter,
and yours is the inheritance by God’s grace.
Galatians 4:4-7

We're human in the flesh and human in the soul. We belong in the physical world and we also belong in the spiritual world. We know about the physical world. In our physical world, there's war and famine and poverty. There's also science and discovery. There's greed and money and status and power... we face global warming, pollution, animals face extinction... so that's the physical world...

then what is the spiritual world? In our baptism we recieve the person of the Holy Spirit in our lives who lives in us... We don't have to look beyond the physical world for the spiritual or for heaven/kingdom of God. We only need to look deep within ourselves where the Holy Spirit resides. How is that possible?

Because we are the children of God and it is by the Holy Spirit in us that we can call "Abba! Father!"

When we're troubled or distressed we look to the phyiscal world for peace and healing and joy. We also turn to people for help. We turn to money or people with money! But we should 1st look within us, our spiritual world, the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of Life.

Turning to the Holy Spirit does not mean that suddenly one will have money, or relationship with people will be ok immediately. It does not mean that life will become better. In fact life may get more difficult.. But life will be more bearable. because the Holy Spirit will give us the strength to face challenges we never thought we could handle. The Holy Spirit will give us the peace to look at our problems in a new way. The Holy Spirit will give us the wisdom to find solutions to our needs. the Holy Spirit's recovery program is not good for just 1 day. His program is good for a life time. The physical world is about nano-seconds and instant response, the time of chronos. the Holy Spirit works in the time of Kairos, His time, God's time.

As children of God, as sons and daughters of God, we should examine how we have been living in the past as people of the physical world and convert to be true children of God, putting God as our priority.

How to start doing so? Let us make our time of worship a priority we give to God each day. Set one hour a day to give to God. Let it be the 1st thing we arrange in our schedule and let everything else revolved around that hour of worship. Our studies or work should not be the centre of our lives and everything flows from it. Our entertainment and games should not be the centre. Our worship should be the centre and our life (our work/studies/relationships/etc) flows from it.

I know for many, the hour of worship will be at 10pm or when we have nothing else to do(after the TV show, after homework, just before I sleep). As long as we live in this manner, with this attitude, allowing the physical world to take priority before God, we will struggle to experience the presence of God in our lives.

Joy of Christmas and the December Mission

It's been awhile since we've had a new post on this blog. My apologies! Also sorry to all those who emailed us at our website. We've been getting so much spam that seveal of your emails was treated as spam mails and I realized it today! oops. to those who have emailed us via our web email address: and have not gotten a reply from us, your email may have been treated as spam and got deleted in the process! so do email us again or tag us so we know and will look out for your emails..

How do we stop all the spams??? as of Nov till now, I've just cleared 500 of them! Tired as I am...after going thru all the emails... I'm determined to post something up here today! tonite!

I was in the Philippines for 3 weeks from November till December and came home for Christmas which is nice because I don't always spend Christmas in Singapore. Lately I've been celebrating it in the Philippines.

Christmas in the Philippines is very different from Christmas in Singapore.
I enjoy attending the 9 days of Simbang Gabi. Christmas in the Philippines is simple. On Christmas Eve, I attend the midnight Mass with friends and their family and we head home for Noche Buena. I was determined this year to make Christmas a meaningful one! One spent with family and friends at home! not in a restaurant! and have home-cooked meal.

In 2007 many acts29 members were in Singapore so we able to have everyday evening advent reflections as a community before Christmas. In 2008, it was difficult as some were still in Payatas and came home late. This year (actually last year haha 2008) my family had a nice dinner at home! I cooked a couple of the dishes like frikadellen and macaroni salad.. hmmm. wat else??

After Mass (some attended midnight Mass), acts29 gathered at my place. We had a Christmas Prayer session after at about 130am. We exchanged Christmas presents with our secret Christmas buddy. Then we stayed up the whole night and spent time together...

December Mission went well I guess. We had a day of TB awareness with the kids. then we had another day of TB awareness with the parents. In Payatas, many people get TB and yup they die of it. Like Nicasio's mum. the Health Centre in Payatas gives free sputum tests and free xrays but of course they're slow to work on it... the residents also don't really want to go for such tests as it's troublesome, they know little about TB and they don't want people to know they have TB which is silly cos TB spreads easily. So TB is now a problem in Payatas. The good thing that came out from the mission is that the Barangay Office is ready to expel residents who refuse to get tested and treated for TB if their kids have been diagnosed with it.
So we're happy that the authorities are joining in the fight against TB.

The medical mission went well. The local doctors came in and did tests on the kids for TB. about 7 kids are now confirmed with TB and their parents and siblings are expected to get tested. If the adults agree to get treated then we will also provide medication for the kids.