The Greatest Love John 13:4
The greatest love a person can have for his friends is to give his life for them.
We know that Jesus gave his life for us... Now the question is for us to answer. If Jesus is our friend and we love him.. the greatest expression of our love would be to give our life for him.
Not literally to end our life as that would be the opposite of loving him. But giving our life over to him.
Take my life and let it be
Consecrated Lord to thee
Take my moments and my days
Let them flow in ceaseless praise
When Simon Peter gave up fishing and followed Jesus, he gave his life over to Jesus. When Paul gave up persecuting Christians, he gave his life over to Jesus.
For those of us who love Jesus then know that Jesus gives us a task, to lay down our life for him. When God gives us a task he always provides everything for us to be able to accomplish it. It may seem tough to lay down our life for Jesus. Perhaps even impossible. God wants us to follow him like Peter and Paul did. God wants to use us just as he did with Peter and Paul. In actual fact, it's not impossible because God will make a way for us just like how he made a way for Peter and Paul. Peter spoke 600 words and converted 3000 people converted(people who didn't understand the language he spoke in yet they heard him speak in their own languages). Paul preached to the Gentiles even though he was a prisoner in Rome. Despite his imprisonment, he spoke about the Kingdom of God and taught about Jesus boldly and freely.
Some of us love Jesus by giving him 5 minutes a day. Some of us love Jesus by giving him $1 a week. We know we can give him more but we won't because we dare not empty ourselves to him. We're afraid that if we empty ourselves, we have nothing left for ourselves. So we make sure we keep 50% and give him 50%. and then we wait for God to give us his 50% But God doesn't and so we give him another 10% (we're left with 40%).. Hoping God would pour back 60%... but he doesn't. Why? Because God wants to give us 100%!!! 100% of his love, his joy, his peace.
At the wedding in Cana, Jesus put back 100% wine into empty wine jars. The new wine he gave tasted even better than the previous wine. If we have the desire to give our life for Jesus, we have to give him our 100%.
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