Wednesday, 24 February 2010

30hour FAST A Sense of Humanity

The 30hour FAST will be held once more at Church of the Holy Spirit, 13 March

The past 3 FASTS have been catered to teens and this year we decided to open it to young adults. Of course, adults are welcomed too! Minimum age is 17 years old.

In previous FAST, the program had games, aspects of social justice, Praise and Worship. Things were alot more fast paced and noisy too!

For this year's FAST we will slow down to breathe and reflect, to be silent, to pray. That explains the minimum age of 17 years. If there are teens who still like to come back for the FAST again and are not 17 yet, and you are able to take a good ol' retreat, you're most welcomed to FAST with us.

The FAST leads us back to what Lent is all about. We want to remind one another that Lent is not just about fasting, prayer and almsgiving. But there's a reason behind why we do what we do. Lent is about our baptism. It is about conversion and renewing our lives. The prophet Joel announces a solemn journey that will help us turn back to God.

Maybe we're ok. We're good Catholics. We've not forsaken God. But often the demands of life seem larger than the meaning of life itself. Perhaps we can say that our humanity does take a toil on our spiriuality. So let us be led as Jesus was led, be nourished as Jesus was nourished.

We invite you, who would like to experience a deeper sense of your humanity, you who are 10 or 100 years old, who would like to share your human journey with others, to come, to FAST.

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